Employee Induction

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Price: € 0.00


A sample packaging and pharmaceutical employee induction. This course is designed specially for all employees willing to work within the packaging and pharmaceutical industry. This course must be completed before commencing work for specific clients.

Factory Code of Practice
Factory Code of Practice, Time Recording, Working Arrangements

Food Safety
Food Handling and contaminations, Food Hazzards, Causes of Food Poisoning

What is Quality, How to make sure we produce quality Products

Personal Hygiene
Personal Hygiene. How to wash your hands properly. Can you work with food when you are ill?

Health and Safety
Employees Duties, First Aid, Electricity Fire Evacuation, House Keeping, Chemical Spillages, Machinery, Accident Reporting, Internal Transport, Signage Manual Handling, Bullying and Haressment

Employees Welfare
Walfare Arrangements, Lockers, Carpark

Summary and Acknowledgment
Summary and Acknowledgment / Confirmation of Understanding